Course: Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)
Text lesson



Square Root and Cube Root (Tips for Short Cuts)                                       

Chapter Contents


·         Introduction

·         Square and Square Root of 2digit number whose unit place digit is 5

·         Square and Square Root of any number

·         Trick for Multiplication of two digit numbers ( unit place is 5 and difference of 1 in tens place digit)

·         Trick for Multiplication of two digit numbers

·         Trick for Multiplication of number with Base 10, 100, 1000……(close to 10, 100, 1000,…)

·         Trick to Multiply by 25 and 125

·         Trick for square of repetition of digit (1111, 222222, 33333,…..)

·         Cube and Cube Root


Square: when a number is multiplied by itself, then the product is called the square of the number.

For example: 64 is the square of 8 as 8 x 8 = 64, 144 is the square of 12, 100 is the square of 10 etc.


Square Root: The square root of a given number means such a number which when multiplied by itself, equals the given number.

For example: square root of 64 is 8 as 8 x 8 = 64, i.e. 64  = 8, square root of 144 is 12, square root of 100 is 10, etc.



A.      How to find Square and Square roots of Two Digit numbers whose unit place is 5 quickly



Trick 1

Square of two digit number whose unit place is 5

Example:           152 , 252, 352, 452, 552, 652, 752, 852, 952

Rule : –

1. Write square of unit place digit = 52 = 25 (always)

2. now multiply 1 more than tens digit to tens digit and write it left of the 25

                 (Tens digit +1) x Tens digit /25


Do Yourself


a)      152 = (1 + 1) x 1/25 = 225

b)     252 = (2+1) x 2/25 = 625

c)      852 = ( 8+ 1 ) x 8/25 = 7225



Trick 2

 Square of two digit number whose unit place is 5

Example:           1052, 1152,

Rule : –

1. Write square of unit place digit = 52 = 25 (always)

2. Now multiply 1 more than tens digit to tens digit and write it left of the 25

(Tens digit +1) x Tens digit /25

Shortcut Method

1.       1052 = (10 +1) x 10/25 = 11025

2.       1552 = (15 + 1) x 15/25 = 24025



Do Yourself

1252, 1352 , 1452, 1552 , 1652, 1752 , 1852, 1952


B.      How to find Square and Square roots of any Two Digit numbers Quickly



Trick 3

Square of any two digit number (including two digits whose unit place is 5)

Example:           232, 252, 362 and other two digit number.


Step1.  Square of Unit Place (find the square of unit place and write only unit digit , add carry to 2nd step 2

Step 2.  Unit digit x tens digit x 2 + Carry

Step 3.  Square of tens digit + Carry

Shortcut Method

           232 = 529

Step 1: 32 = 9

Step 2: 3 x 2 x 2 =12 = 1/2  = 2 ( use 1 as carry and

              to step 3)

Step 3: 22 + 1 (carry from 2nd step) = 4 + 1 = 5

Ans:     529



Do Yourself

a)      Find Value of 252, 362 


C.      How to multiply when unit place is 5 and difference of 1 in tens place digit



Trick 4

Multiplication of two digit no. when unit place is 5 and difference in tens place is 1

Example:           35 x 45


Step 1: Write 75 first

Step 2: (Greater tens place digit + 1) x  smaller tens

               place digit/75

Shortcut Method:

35 x 45 = 1575

Here , 4 is bigger digit and 3 is smaller digit

35 x 45 = (4 + 1) x 3/75 = 1575



Example:           65 x 55

Solution:             (6 + 1) x 5/75 = 3075


Do Yourself

85 x 95, 105 x 115


D.     How  to Multiply two digit numbers


Trick 5

Multiplication of any two digit number

Example:           56 x 65



a     b

c     d


Step 1:- b x d

Step 2:- a x d + b + c + Carry

Step 3:- a x c + Carry

Shortcut Method


 5      6

 6      5


Step 1:- 6 x 5 = 30 = 0 (3 is carry)

Step 2:- 5 x 5 + 6 x 6 + 3 (carry) = 64 =4 ( now 6 is Carry)

Step 3:- 5 x 6 + 6 (Carry) = 36



Do Yourself

(a)   69 x 81

(b)  88 x 83


E.      How to multiply two digits when base is 10



Trick 6

Multiplication of any two digit number < 20 (Base is 10)

Example:           14 x 12



Step 1: How much 1st number more  than 10, write with + sign

a = B + p   , where B=10

Step 2:  Repeat this step 1 with 2nd number

b = B + q   , where B= 10

Step 3:

                      a              +p


                   x b              +q                     

here , a + q = b + p = K (always same)

Now ,

Step 4: Calculate (p x q) and write on right side

              (only one digit make other digit  carry  (c) )


Step 5: Calculate a + q or b + p (both will be same

             and write it  on left side with addition of


Ans:     (a + q) + c (if any) /(p x q)


Shortcut Method


Ex :-             14 x 12

Step 1:- 14 = 10 + 4           

Step 2:-  Repeat this step 1 with 2nd number

               12 = 10 + 2

Step 3:


                  14            +4




                  12            +2


Note : 14 + 2 =12 + 4 = 16 ( total will always will be same)

Step 4: ( 4 x 2) =8

Step 5: (14 + 2 =16 = 12 + 4)

Ans: (14 + 2 + 0 (no carry)/(4 x 2) 

       = 168



Example:            16   x    19

Solution:             16         +6




19        +9


(16 + 9) = 25

6 x 9 =54 = 4 and 5 = c (carry)


Ans. (16 + 9) + 4 /5 = (29 +4) /5 = 335

Do yourself

(a)   18 x 17

(b)  14 x 19


Trick 7

Multiplication when one number more than 20

Example:           25 x 18

25      + 15




18        + 8


Step 1:       15 x 8 = 120 = 0 ( 12 is carry)


Step 2:       25 + 8 = 18 + 15 = 33


Step 3:       33 + 12 (carry)/0


= 450



Trick 8

When one number is less than 10

 Example:          28 X 8

A = 10 + p

B = 10 – q


a              +p


b              – q


Short cut Method 1

Step1:       (p X  – q ) = – pq = p  and q

Unit Place : 10 – q = R

Step 2:         (a – q) = (b + p)  = K

Left place = K- p = L

Ans :             L/R


Shortcut Method 2

28          +18


8               – 2

Step 1:- 18 x -2 = – 36 =  3 and 6

Unit place = 10 – 6 = 4

Left digit = (28 – 2) = ( 8 + 18) =26                   

                  26 – 3 = 23


Ans:          234

Note:- better we should multiply it orally



Trick 9

Multiplication when base is 100 for two Digits < 100

Example:           98 x 97



98         -02


97         -03


Shortcut Method


Base is 100

Step1: 98 – 100 = -02

             97 – 100 = -03

Step 2:- 02 x 03 = 06 , write on right side use only two digit 3rd would be Carry

Carry = 0

Step3:- 98 -03 = 97 -02 = 95 + Carry if any , write on left side

Ans :-  left side digit + carry / Right side digit

=   95 + 0 /06



Example:           89 x 87

Solution               89         -11


87         -13


Step1:                   -11   X   -13 = 143 = 43 (1= carry)


Step2:                   89 – 13 = 87 – 11 = 76

Ans:                       76 + carry /43 = 76 + 1 /43 = 7743  

Note:                    We can also find the square of any dwo digits close to 100


Do Yourself

a)      89 x 87

b)     86 x 94


Trick 10

Multiplication when base is 100 for two digit > 100

Example:           104 x 106


104          +04


106          +06


(104 + 6)/(6 x 4) = 110/024

= (110 + 0)/ 24

= 11024

Shortcut Method

Base 100

Step1:   104 – 100 = +04

              106– 100 = + 06

Step 2:   (+ 04) x (+ 06) = 024 , write on right side use only

               two digit 3rd would be Carry

               Carry = 0

Step3:     104 + 4 = 106 + 04 = 110

Step 4:    110 + 0 ( Carry from 2nd step  if any) , write on left side


Ans :        left side digit + carry / Right side digit

                =  (110 + 0) /24

Ans :         11024


Example:           112 x 112

Solution:             112          +12


112          +12


(112 + 12)/ (12 x 12)


= 124/144 = (124 + 1) / 44 = 12544 ( 1 = carry)

Ans: 12544


Note: We can also find the square of any three digits close to 100

Do Yourself


a)      112 x 112

b)     102 x 113


Trick 11

Multiplication when base is 100 for two Digit one > 100 and other < 100

Example:           98 x 104

Shortcut Method


98         -02




104      +04


(98 + 04)/(-02 x +04) =102 /-008

= (102 -1 + 0)/(100 – 08)= 10192

Base 100


Step 1: (-02) x (+04) = -008 = (0) –(08)

              Carry =0

Step 2: (100-08) on Right side

Step 3: 98 + 04 = 104 – 02 = 102

Step 4: (102 – 1 + carry), on left side


Ans : (102 – 1 + 0 )/(100 – 08 )

         = 101/92 = 10192



Example:           89 x 111

Solution:             89           -11


111         +11


(89 + 11 – 1 + C)/-11x (+11)

= (99 + C)/ (100- 121)

= (99 -1)/ (100 – 21) = 9879

Here carry is -1   (we will break – 121 = -1 – 21 )


Do Yourself

a)      99 x 112

b)     106 x 94


Trick 12

Square of a number Close to 100 (100 + a)

Example:           1042

Shortcut Method

1042 = (104 + 4)/ 42 = 10816


Step :-1  100 + a

Step:-2  (100  + a + a + c )/a2

Where c = carry on left side only two digit, make third digit as carry


Example:           1122

Solution:             (112 + 12)/ 122

= 112/144 = (112 + 1)/44( where  c = 1)

= 113/44 = 11344

Do Yourself

a)      1122

b)     1132


Trick 13

Square of a number Close to 100 (100 – a)                       

Example:           942           

Shortcut Method

942 = (94 – 6)/ 62 = 88/36


Step 1:  100 – a 

Step 2:  (100 – a  – a  + c )/a2

              Where c = carry

On left side only two digit, make third digit as carry


Example:           822

Solution:             822 = (82 – 18) + C /182 =( 64 + c )/324

= (64 + 3)/ 24, where c = 3

Ans: 6724

Do Yourself

1.       822

2.       782

Trick 14

Square of a number Close to 1000 (1000 + a)

Example:           10042


10042 = (1004 + 4)/ 42 = 1008/016

Ans:- 1008016

Step :-1  1000 + a

Step:-2  (1000  + a + a + c )/a2

Where c = carry

On left side only three digit, make 4th digit as carry


Do Yourself

a)      10122

b)     10252

Trick 15

Square of a number Close to 1000 (1000 – a)                 

Example:           9942      

Shortcut Method

9942 = (994 – 6)/ 62 = 988/036

Ans :-988036

Step :-1  1000 – a 

Step:-2  (1000– a  – a  + c )/a2

Where c = carry

On left side only three digit, make 4th digit as carry


Example:           9822

Solution               = (982 – 18)/182 = 964/324

= (964 + 3)/24, where C = 3

Ans  = 96724

























































F.      How to multiply a number by 25


Trick 16

Multiply any number by 25

Example:           48 x 25

Shortcut Method


48 x 25 = 48004=1200

Step 1:-  write two zero (00) to right side of other number

Step 2 :- Divide resultant by 4

Ans :- no.  x 1004


Do Yourself

a)      56728 x 25

b)     123432 x 25


How to multiply a number by 125


Trick 17

Multiply any number by 125

Example:           488 x 125

Shortcut Method:

488 x 25 = 4880008=61000

Step 1:  write three zero (000) to right side of other number

Step 2 : Divide resultant by 8

Ans : Number x 1008


Do Yourself

a)      56728 x 125

b)     123432 x 125


Trick 18

Square of repetition of 1

Example:           (111)2


(111)2 = 12321

Step:- n =3 ( digit of 1)

Step 2:- write ascending number from 1 to 3 and then descending order till 1


Example:           (1111111)2

Solution:             1234567654321


Example:           (11111)2

Solution:             123454321


Example:           222 + 2222 +22222+ 222222

Solution:             4 (12 + 112 + 1112 +11112 +111112)

= 4 (11 + 121 + 12321 + 1234321 + 123454321)

= 4 (124701084)

= 498804336


Trick 19

Square of repetition of 3

Example:           (33)2

Shortcut Method

( OZEN) In case of 3

O – 1 (one two times)

Z – 0 ( zero one time )

E – 8 ( eight  two times )

N – 9 ( one times)


(333)2 = 110889

(33333)2 = 1111088889            

Step 1 :- Count 3 in given figure = n (say)

Step 2:- Write 1 n-itimes

Step 3:- Write 0 ( one times only)

Step 4: Write 8 n-itimes

Step 5:- Write 9 ( one times only)


Do Yourself

a)      (333)2

b)     (33333)2

c)      32 + 332 + 3332 +33332 +333332


Trick 20

Square of repetition of 9

Example:           (99)2

Shortcut Method

( NEZO) In case of 9

N – 9 ( two times)

E– 8( one time )

Z – 0( two times )

O – 1 ( one times)

(999)2 = 998001

(99999)2 = 9999800001

Step 1 :- Count 9 in given figure = n (say)

Step 2:- Write 9 n-itimes

Step 3:- Write 8 ( one times only)

Step 4: Write 0n-itimes

Step 5:- Write 1 ( one times only)


Do Yourself

a)      (9999)2

b)     (99999)2

c)      92 + 992 + 9992 +99992 +999992


Trick 21

Square of repetition of 6

Example:           (66)2

Shortcut Method

In case of 6

Fo– 4 ( two times)

Th– 3 ( one time )

Fi– 5( two times )

Si – 6 ( one times)

(666)2 = 443556

(99999)2 = 4444355556

Step 1 :- Count 6 in given figure = n (say)

Step 2:- Write 4 n-itimes

Step 3:- Write 3 ( one times only)

Step 4: Write 5n-itimes

Step 5:- Write 6 ( one times only)


Do Yourself


a)      (6666)2

b)     (666666)2

c)      62 + 662 + 6662 +66662 +666662


Trick 22

Multiplication of any two digit number

Example:           27 x 52

Shortcut Method

a             b


c             d


ac  + C2/(ab + bc)+ C1  /bd

where  C1 and C2 are carry obtained by multiplying bd and ( ab + bc)

Step 1:-

2           7



5            2

Step 2:- 





= 7 x 2 = 17 = 4    , here (1 = C1)

Step 3:-

2          7



5          2


= ( 2 x 2 ) + ( 5 x 7) + C1

Put C1

= 4 + 35 + 1 = 40 = 0    ,here  C2 = 4

Step 4:-





= 2 x 5  + C2 = 10 + 4 = 14

Ans :- 1404


Do Yourself

a)      38 x 47

b)     86 x 34


Trick 23

Multiplication of three digit number

Example:           234 x 432

Shortcut Method


a             b          p


c             d          q


(ac  + C4)/(ad + bc + C3 )/(aq + pc + bd + C2) / (bq + pd + C1 )/ bd


where  C1 , C2 , C3 and C4 are  carry obtained by multiplying pq , (bq + pd), ( aq + pc + bd ), (ad + bc)  and ac respectively.

Step 1:

2        3       4


4        3        2


Step 2:





     2          = 4 X 2 = 08  = 8     here, C1 = 0


Step 3:-

3        4


3         2        = (3 x 2) + (3 x 4) + C1

                      = 6 + 12 + 0 = 18 = 8 ,   here C2 = 1


Step 4:-


2        3       4


4        3        2    = (2 x 2) + (4 x 4 ) + ( 3 x 3) + C2

                           = 4 + 16 + 9 + 1 = 30 = 0   here, C3= 3


Step 5:-

2                  3


4                   3      = (2 x 3) + ( 4 x 3 ) + C3

                              =  6 +  12 + 3 = 21 = 1    here, C4 =2


Step 6:-




     4                 =( 2 x 4 ) + C4 = 8 + 2 = 10


Ans :- 101088


Do Yourself         

a)      534 x 124

b)     123 x 675

Trick 24

Multiplication of any number with 9 and its recitative no. (9, 99, 999, 9999 etc.)

Example:           8653 X 9

Shortcut Method

Step 1:- count no of 9

Step 2:- put same no. of zero on right of other figure

Step 3:- Now ,

Stract the original no. from new no. obtained

8653 x 9

Step 1:- no. of 9 =1

Step 2:- put one 0  on right side of the other no.


Step 3:-






Example:           8932 x 99

Solution:             893200





G.      How to Calculate Multiplication of two no. made of repetition of same no.


Trick 25

Multiplication of two no. made of repetition of 1

Example:           11111 x 1111


Shortcut Method

n x m =   digit of multiple x digit of multiplier   

 where m < n

Step 1:- write in ascending starting from 1 upto m

Step 2:- write  m, (n – m  +  1 )times

Step 3:-write in descending from m -1 to 1


11111 x 1111

n = 5,  m =4

Step1:- 1234

Step 2:- ( 5 – 4 + 1)times = 2 times


Step 3:- 12344321


Example:           111111 x 111

Solution:             n = 6   , m =3

Write 3, (6 -3 + 1)times = 4 times

Ans. 12333321


Example:           2222 x 222 =

Solution:             22 (1111 x 111) = 4(123321) =482394